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本基金的目标是在保存资本及审慎投资管理的原则下,赚取最高总回报(即透过深入研究及慎重考虑,确立及施行一些贯彻一致、规律严格并具成本效益的投资的策略,以及持续监察个别证券与总投资组合的风险)。 本基金将其最少三分之二的资产投资于一项以全球各种主要货币计价的固定收益工具(可包括由政府、主权机构、企业 等发行的证券)组成的多元化投资组合。本基金主要投资于投资级别固定收益工具,惟可将其资产最多达10%投资于评级低于穆迪的Baa 或标准普尔的BBB 评级或获惠誉给予的同等评级,但最少须获穆迪或标准普尔给予B 评级或获惠誉给予同等评级(或若未有评级,则须获投资顾问视为具备相若质素)的固定收益工具,但并无最低信贷评级规定的按揭保证证券例外。虽然对按揭证券并无最低信贷评级规定,但在计算低于投资级别证券的上述 10%限额时将计及低于投资 级别的按揭证券。
名称 | 标题 | 任期 | 至 |
Andrew Thomas Balls | Head | 2014 | now |
背景介紹 | Mr. Balls is PIMCO's CIO Global Fixed Income. Based in London, he oversees the firm’s European, Asia-Pacific, emerging markets and global specialist investment teams. Previously, he was head of European portfolio management, a global portfolio manager in the Newport Beach office and the firm’s global strategist. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2006, he was an economics correspondent and columnist for the Financial Times and a lecturer in economics at Keble College, Oxford. He holds a bachelor's degree from Oxford and a master's degree from Harvard University. | ||
Lorenzo Pagani | portfolio manager | 2014 | now |
背景介紹 | Dr. Pagani is a managing director and portfolio manager in the Munich office and head of the European government bond and European rates desk. He is also a member of the European portfolio committee and a member of the counterparty risk committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2004, he was with the nuclear engineering department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and with Procter & Gamble in Italy. He has 11 years of investment experience and holds a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from MIT. He graduated from the Financial Technology Option program of MIT/Sloan Business School and holds a joint master of science degree from the Politecnico di Milano in Italy and the Ecole Centrale de Paris in France. | ||
Sachin Gupta | Portfolio Manager | 2014 | now |
背景介紹 | Mr. Gupta is a managing director in the Newport Beach office, global portfolio manager and head of the global desk. He is a member of the European Portfolio Committee and a rotating member of the Asia-Pacific Portfolio Committee, and has also served as a rotating member of the Investment Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2003, he was in the fixed income and currency derivatives group at ABN AMRO Bank. He holds an MBA from XLRI, India. He received an undergraduate degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. | ||
Scott A. Mather | Deputy CIO | 2008 | 2014 |
背景介紹 | Mr. Mather is CIO U.S. Core Strategies and a managing director in the Newport Beach office. He is a member of the Investment Committee and a generalist portfolio manager. Mr. Mather also oversees ESG portfolio integration in the U.S. Previously he was head of global portfolio management. Before that, he led portfolio management in Europe, managed euro and pan-European portfolios and worked closely with many Allianz-related companies. He also served as a managing director of Allianz Global Investors KAG. Prior to these roles, Mr. Mather co-headed PIMCO's mortgage- and asset-backed securities team. Prior to joining PIMCO in 1998, he was a fixed income trader specializing in mortgage-backed securities at Goldman Sachs in New York. He holds a master's degree in engineering, as well as undergraduate degrees, from the University of Pennsylvania. | ||
Michael Asay | executive Vice President | 1998 | 2008 |
背景介紹 | Asay is an executive vice president with PIMCO. He joined PIMCO in 1998. Prior to joining PIMCO, he was a vice president and director of Market Research for Goldman Sachs and Company from 1986-1997, where he developed fixed income trading strategies and quantitative analytics for Asian and European markets. |