目标为透过投资于由全球股票及定息证券组成之多元化投资组合,取得与指数无关之表现目标,既能保本又能减低短期波动。本附属基金预期将采取动态资产分配策略,以在不断演化之市况中取得最佳回报: (i) 股市向好时,本附属基金最多会将资产之50%投资于股票。 (ii) 股市转淡时,本附属基金会将组合重新调整以取得平衡,透过持有符合积金局所订最低信贷评级要求的定息证券达到 保本。 (iii) 本附属基金亦会视乎市况不持股票而全数仅投资于定息证券及现金。 (iv) 定息证券及现金常于股市似陷入低迷时用作缓冲,惟于适当时则会减持。预期于正常情况下,本附属基金会将资产之 最少75%投资于定息证券及现金,以将短期波动减到最低。 (v) 本附属基金可将少于30%的资产投资于具有吸收亏损特性的工具(包括应急可转债、高级非优先债务证券、金融机构处置机制下发行的工具以及银行或其他金融机构发行的其他资本工具)。 为进行流通性管理及╱或为防守目的及╱或任何其他特殊情况(例如股灾或重大危机),以及若管理人认为符合附属基金的最佳利益,附属基金最多可将100%的资产暂时持作存款、现金及╱或直接投资于货币市场工具及╱或(最多10%的附属基金资产)投资于货币市场基金。
名称 | 标题 | 任期 | 至 |
Jenny Zeng | Co-Head—Asia Pacific Fixed Income | 2024 | now |
背景介紹 | Jenny Zeng is Co-Head of Asia Pacific Fixed Income and a portfolio manager. She manages Asian Income Opportunity, RMB Income Plus and other Asian strategies. Zeng is also a member of the Emerging-Market Debt Portfolio Management team. Prior to her current role, she was the head of credit research in Asia, specializing in Asian high-yield credits. Before joining the firm in 2013, Zeng was at Citigroup for seven years, most recently serving as a vice president and credit-sector specialist covering Asian corporate credit. During her years with Citigroup, she was ranked as one of the top three research analysts for overall credit research in the Asiamoney Fixed Income Poll. Zeng is a CFA charterholder. Location: Hong Kong | ||
Wendy Lee | - | 2024 | now |
Ian Lee | - | 2020 | now |
Helen Lam | - | 2004 | now |
Stuart Winchester | Senior Portfolio Manager | 2004 | now |
背景介紹 | Stuart Winchester is a Hong Kong-based senior portfolio manager with Allianz Global Investors and a member of the Asia Pacific investment team. A highly experienced Asian equity portfolio manager, Stuart has spent a total of 36 years in Asia, the majority of them with AllianzGI which he joined in 1992. For the last 25 years Stuart has managed the Unconstrained Total Return Asia Pacific strategy. Before joining AllianzGI, Stuart worked at Wood Gundy in Japan before transferring to Indonesia to run an affiliate joint-venture merchant bank. |