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2nd Mining Security & Crisis Management Forum

组织者:  IRN International
开始: 2015年11月11日 16:00
结束: 2015年11月14日 02:00
价格: 请访问网站获得详情
电话: +44 (0) 20 7111 1615
传真: +44 (0) 20 7183 7945
电子邮件: CristinaR@irn-international.com

The Mining industry in Africa is facing a rapidly evolving risk environment, which poses a threat to businesses, assets and employees. Illegal mining, cyber-crime, workplace violence, fractured labour relations, theft of equipment and valuable minerals and other such incidents and circumstances, are changing the way the mining industry assesses investment opportunities.
Moreover, as global resources dwindle, companies are venturing into ever more challenging geographical and geopolitical regions. Deeper and more technical sites can be problematic. In order to continue to benefit from Africa’s growth potential, the industry has to change its approach to risk management and mitigation, which will prove crucial to the long-term success of any project. Efficient, frequently revised and tested crisis management planning is essential for any mine to operate sustainably. In this context, security is becoming even more important, and needs to be a part of project planning from the very beginning. This trend is already evident in companies’ planned spending on security. Investments in more advanced physical infrastructure, proper crisis planning, technology and training has increased significantly. The mining security industry in Africa is estimated to grow to £3.0bn over the next two years, of which £1.5bn will be on technology.
The 2nd Mining Security & Crisis Management Forum will address these key issues through a number of case studies, presentations and panel discussions. This meeting will provide delegates with the ideal platform to update their knowledge on how best to mitigate and prevent key challenges, and offer attendees the opportunity to share information and strategies with industry peers and relevant Governmental bodies, in a discrete setting.
Attendees will also benefit from the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the latest methods, solutions and technologies, in order to design a proactive security strategy which is specifically tailored to the security needs of your mine.