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该基金旨在通过投资于亚太区公司的股本和股本相关证券, 在三年至五年期内扣除费用后提供超过msci Ac Asia Pacific Ex Japan (Net Tr) Index的资本增值和收入。该基金为着参与 正在上升的市场,并同时通过运用衍生工具尽量减低跌市时 的损失而设计。该基金被积极管理及将最少三分之二的资产投资于亚太区的股本和股本相关证券。该基金可直接投资于中国b股和中国h股,亦可将少于30%的资产(以净额计算)直接或间接(例如通过参与票据)通过以下各项投资于中国a股。该基金亦可将不多于三分之一资产直接或间接投资于其他证券(包括其他资产类别)、国家、地区、行业或货币、投资基金、认股证及货币市场投资项目,和持有现金(受附件i所载的限制所规限)。
名称 | 标题 | 任期 | 至 |
Robin Parbrook | Co-Head | 2007 | now |
背景介紹 | Robin Parbrook is the Co-head of Asian Alternative investments at Schroders, his main responsibility is co-running the Asian Total Return Fund and Asian Total Return Investment Company. In 2017 he returned to the UK having spent most of the previous 25 years with Schroders in Asia. Prior to this he was head of the Asian Equity Team, overseeing the investment team and equity products managed in the region. He joined Schroders in 1990 and is based in London. Robin was the Head of Asian Equities at Schroders (based in Hong Kong) from 2010 to 2017. He was the Co-Manager SISF Asian Total Return Fund at Schroders UK (based in Edinburgh) from 2007 to 2010. He was an Asian Equity Fund Manager (and Team Head from 2004) at Schroders Hong Kong/Singapore from 1992 to 2007. Alongside the Asian Total Return Funds he also managed the SISF Asian Opportunities fund until the end of 2017. Qualifications: MA in Economics from Edinburgh University. | ||
King Fuei Lee | Head | 2007 | now |
背景介紹 | King Fuei Lee is the Head of Asian Equities (Singapore) at Schroders, which involves managing Developed Pacific ex-Japan, Asian Total Return and Asian Yield mandates. King Fuei was appointed Head of Asian Equities (Singapore) in March 2011 where he has oversight of the Asia ex Japan Equity fund managers in the Singapore office. He joined Schroders in 1999 and is based in Singapore. King Fuei was a Fund Manager at Schroders (Singapore) from 2001 to 2011, which involved transferring from the Global Equities Team in the London office to the Asian Equities Team in Singapore in Dec 2001. King Fuei was promoted to Manager in 2003, Associate Director in 2005, and Director in 2006. He was a Graduate Trainee at Schroders (UK) from 1999 to 2001, which involved joining Schroders as a graduate trainee. Qualifications: CFA Charterholder; Investment Management Certificate (IMC); M.Phil in Economics from Cambridge University; BA in Economics (First Class Honours) from London School of Economics. |