本基金旨在透过投资于亚洲小型公司股票(日本除外)的投资组合,提供长期资本增长。本基金于正常市况下将其至少90%的净资产投资于在亚洲(日本除外)(包括已发展市场及新兴市场)注册、位于该处或在该处进行大部分商业活动的公司的股票及等同股票的证券。本基金将其至少70%的净资产投资于以市值计被界定为亚洲(日本除外)股票范畴(由摩根士丹利所有国家亚洲(日本除外)指数(MSCI AC Asia ex Japan index)及摩根士丹利所有国家亚洲(日本除外)小型公司指数(MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Small Cap index)混合组成)的最底25%的小型公司的股票及等同股票的证券。于中国股票的投资包括但不限于在中华人民共和国(「中国」)的证券交易所上市的中国A股及中国B股(及可能供认购的其他证券)。本基金可 透过沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制及/或深港股票市场交易互联互通机制直接投资于中国A股,惟须受适用额度限制所规限。此外,本基金可透过中国A股连接产品(「中国A股连接产品」,例如但不限于与中国A股挂钩的参与票据)间接投资于中国A股。本基金可将其最多50%的净资产透过沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制及/或深港股票市场交易互联互通机制投资于中国A股,及将其最多30%的净资产投资于中国A股连接产品。本基金对中国A股(透过沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制、深港股票市场交易互联互通机制或中国A股连接产品)及 中国B股的最大投资参与为其净资产的50%。本基金不会将其超过10%的净资产投资于由中国A股连接产品任何单一发行人发行的中国A股连接产 品。本基金可将其最多10%的净资产投资于UCITS及/或其他合资格UCIs(包括汇丰环球投资基金的其他附属基金)的单位或股份。本基金可使用金融衍生工具作对冲及现金流管理(例如股权化)用途。然而,本基金不会广泛使用金融衍生工具作投资用途。本基金获准使用的金 融衍生工具包括但不限于期货及外汇远期(包括非可交付远期)。金融衍生工具亦可嵌入于本基金可投资的其他工具。
名称 | 标题 | 任期 | 至 |
Ka Wai Elina Fung | Investment Director | 2012 | now |
背景介紹 | Elina Fung, Lead Portfolio Manager, joined HSBC in 2007. She has been working in the finance industry since 1995 and received a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | ||
Man Chung Alex Kwan | Associate Director | 2012 | now |
背景介紹 | Alex Kwan, Co-Portfolio Manager, joined HSBC in 2008. Prior to joining HSBC, he worked as an engineer at EMC Corp. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, both from the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He also holds an MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. | ||
Husan Pai | Investment Director | 2013 | 2015 |
背景介紹 | Investment Director, Asia ex Japan Equities, Halbis Capital Management (Hong Kong). Husan Pai is Investment Director for Halbis Capital Management and has been working in the industry since 1987. Prior to joining HSBC in 2003, and moving to Halbis upon its establishment in 2005, Husan worked for Credit Agricole Asset Management as a director of investment, and for AIG Investment Corporation. | ||
Michael Dillon | Portfolio Manager | 2011 | 2014 |
背景介紹 | Mick Dillon, CFA, is the lead portfolio manager of the Brown Advisory Global Leaders strategy. He formerly worked at HSBC Global Asset Management in Hong Kong, where he was the co-head of Asian equities. Mick is originally from Australia and graduated from University of Melbourne, where he was awarded three Bachelor degrees in six years. | ||
Andrew Lee | Manager | 2010 | 2011 |
背景介紹 | Andrew joined in 2000 as a manager for quantitative analysis. 1997 to 2000 – operations supervisor, Merrill Lynch Asset Management (HK) 1996 to 1997 – operations associate, Merrill Lynch Asset Management (HK) 1995 to 1996 – business support representative, Merrill Lynch Asset Management (HK) 1994 to 1995 – HR systems specialist, Hutchison International Limited (HK) BSc, McMaster University, Canada CFA (2000) Financial Risk Manager (FRM) (2002) | ||
Leilani Lam | - | 2010 | 2011 |
Husan Pai | Investment Director | 2006 | 2010 |
背景介紹 | Investment Director, Asia ex Japan Equities, Halbis Capital Management (Hong Kong). Husan Pai is Investment Director for Halbis Capital Management and has been working in the industry since 1987. Prior to joining HSBC in 2003, and moving to Halbis upon its establishment in 2005, Husan worked for Credit Agricole Asset Management as a director of investment, and for AIG Investment Corporation. | ||
Ray F Garman | Associate Director, Sector Head | 2002 | 2006 |
背景介紹 | Ray is an Associate Director in HSBC Asset management (Hong Kong) and is the Sector Leader for Technology, Asia Pacific, excluding Japan. He also covers global technology as a member of the Global Technology team. Prior to joining AMHK in October of 2001. At Fillmore, Ray developed a series of publicly traded and private portfolios in both developed and developing economies. Ray's focus has historically been in asset allocation among the technology and infrastructure sectors of the global market. Ray is a | ||
Sam Lau | Director | 2000 | 2002 |
背景介紹 | Lau is director of Invesco Asia Limited, his employer since 1994. Previously, he was an associate at J.P. Morgan (Hong Kong). Prior to that, he served as an investment analyst with W.I. Carr and as an asset manager for Barings and Morgan Guaranty Trust. |