Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd是一家主要从事银行业务的韩国公司。该公司通过五个部门经营业务。银行部门提供商业银行服务。信用卡部门提供信用卡服务。金融投资部门从事证券交易和委托交易。人寿保险部门从事人寿保险业务。其他部门从事资产管理、设施租赁业务、储蓄银行、金融信息技术(...
To pick up a draggable item, press the space bar.
While dragging, use the arrow keys to move the item.
Press space again to drop the item in its new position, or press escape to cancel.
Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
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